Pro Audio Land Musician & Musical Instrument News

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Electro-Voice RE-20 Dynamic Cardioid Mic Review

While Electro-Voice might be better known for their signature loudspeakers, they also know how to construct a high-quality microphone. The EV RE20, in particular, is well-known among the broadcasting community as the go-to mic for applications that require a clear, cutting and high-quality sound. It also doubles as a high-quality instrument mic. But with that said, this famous mic retails for about $400. And for musicians on a budget, that's nothing to sniff at. With that said, we take a look at the RE20 to see if worth the investment.


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Monday, June 24, 2019

Mad Professor Distortion, OD And Booster Effects Pedals

Founded back in 2002 in Finland by Harri Koski and Jukka Mönkkönen, Mad Professor are still relative newcomers to the effects pedal industry, especially when you consider that guys like Dunlop and Boss have been at it for decades. In fact, they are probably better known for their popular amplifier line more than their pedals, but that hasn’t stopped their effects from receiving a lot of mainstream popularity as of late. Today, we're taking a look at a few of their of pedals, specifically those focused on distortion, overdrive and boost.

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Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Brand Spotlight: Rio Grande Pickups

One of the more exciting aspects of being a guitar player is the sheer amount of manufacturers, companies that are not afraid to experiment with their creations and think outside the box. With that in mind, I'd like to shine a light on one of my personal favorite pickup manufacturers that I feel doesn't get as much love as they deserve: Rio Grande Pickups. Whether you’re playing Chicago or Texas Blues -- or even West-Coast Jazz -- Rio Grande has some vintage, American-made, hand-wound pickups to fit the bill. Below, we take a look at a few of our favorite pickups from Rio Grande.

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A Closer Look At The EMG 81/85 Active Pickups

Quite possibly the most popular pickups in all of hard rock, the EMG 81/85 combo is used by hundreds of hard rock guitarists around the world. Known for their distinct tone, these pickups give metal players the extra boost of signal power made available through their active setup while producing a smooth control at higher levels in comparison to most standard pickup models. This means better high gain control and less feedback when pumping it up to 11. These pickups are so popular several notable guitar manufacturers feature them as stock for several of their models including ESP, Schecter, Dean, Epiphone, B.C. Rich, Jackson, and Paul Reed Smith. Below, we take a look at both the EMG 81 and EMG 85 pickups to shed some light on why exactly they are one of the most popular bridge and pickup combinations in rock.

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Friday, May 3, 2019

Walrus Audio Jupiter Fuzz Review

Packing great tone, superb versatility, and top-quality, hand-built craftsmanship, Walrus Audio pedals don’t just offer ways to color your instrument’s sound but are an assortment of tools that push your tone to the next level. From the Voyager and its unique preamp and overdrive design to the insane amount of sonic possibilities packed into the Descent Reverb, Walrus Audio effects never fail to impress us. Today, we're taking the Jupiter Fuzz for a spin, a gritty thick and loud pedal that should please plenty of die-hard fuzz fans.

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A Few Of Our Favorite Fender Combo Amps

Fender might be better known for their collection of iconic instruments but that doesn't mean they don't know how to construct a high-quality amplifier. Whether you're looking for a budget-friendly model that doesn't skimp on tone or a modern machine with plenty of features, Fender's combo amplifier lineup has you covered. If you're in the market for a brand new amp, why not give one of these a try?

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Sunday, April 7, 2019

Versatile Studio Microphones Under $500

With the seemingly endless choices of studio microphones out there, those unfamiliar with the nitty-gritty details can easily become overwhelmed to the point where they might simply judge the value of a mic by price alone. And while it’s generally a safe bet to assume that a thousand dollar mic is probably better than something closer to two hundred, that's not always the case. For example, certain mics work better for specific applications -- be it vocals, drums, or instruments -- regardless of price. With that said, we decided to take a look at the best bang for your buck studio mics with multiple uses.

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