Pro Audio Land Musician & Musical Instrument News

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Five Songs Perfect For Thanksgiving

While many of us look forward to Thanksgiving for the food, the time with the family or the all-out street war that is a Black Friday sale, there's nothing like the perfect music to help get us into the spirit. Below are five of songs that should make great additions to your turkey day soundtrack. Happy Thanksgiving!


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from Pro Audio Land Blog Feed

Monday, November 23, 2015

Brand Spotlight: Mono Cases, Bags And Straps

While they're still relatively young (officially launching in 2007 at the Winter NAMM expo), MONO's big debut was unanimous: artists, distributors and members of the music community were very much impressed with what they had to offer.  With some of the biggest names in music carrying around MONO bags and straps for their own gear -- such as the Roots, Johnny Marr of The Smiths, Brian Hardgroove of Public Enemy and Vernon Reid and Doug Wimbish of Living Colour, just to name a few -- they're the perfect accessory for the gigging musician.


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from Pro Audio Land Blog Feed

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Why Guitar Speaker Size Matters

These days, it’s a becoming more widely understood by the average player just how important a role speakers play in their overall tone.  With that in mind, it's no surprise just how popular the upgrade speaker market has become. But with so many brands, styles and size combinations to choose from, it can be a difficult task trying to figure out which speaker is best for you. The most popular format is easily the 12-inch speaker, but with an increasing range of quality 10-inch and some interesting 15-inch speakers available, the best way to figure out which is best for you is by learning the role size plays in a speaker's overall tone.

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from Pro Audio Land Blog Feed

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Simple But Effective Bass Tone Upgrades - Part 3

Welcome to the third installment of our multi-part bass tone upgrade feature! We've already covered pickups and electronics in our previous articles so now its time to move on to the next simple but effective upgrade: strings. While you should already be changing your strings regularly -- every month or so for average users or every other week if you consistently gig -- swapping out an old set for a new pair is the perfect time to experiment with the different tonal upgrade options strings can give your bass. It's actually pretty surprising just how much a different set can change your instrument's sound. Below, we'll be breaking down some individual aspects of bass strings along with some common tonal characteristics.

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from Pro Audio Land Blog Feed

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Punk Rock Pickups For Guitar

Back when punk was still in its infancy, there wasn't any right combination of guitar, amp or pickups that you had to have in order to play  -- all you needed was a few friends and plenty of attitude. Since then, the genre that was birthed on the back going against the grain has matured and evolved into a versatile style with a wide range of sounds that are very different from one another. From the classic, single-coil tones of The Clash to the humbucker heaviness of The Misfits, if you have a certain style in mind you're going to need the right setup. While you still need plenty of attitude, these various pickups will help you get one step closer in your quest for that perfect punk tone in your head.


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