Pro Audio Land Musician & Musical Instrument News

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Seriously How Do They Sell Stuff This Low? #LaborDay #LaborDaySale #Guitar #Bass

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Bass Tips: Playing Through An Amp VS Playing Through A PA 


The bass players have the role to maintain the rhythmic groove in the band. Bassists create the music’s foundation over which the rest of the band play. It takes some powerful speakers and lot of juice to accurately reproduce the output of an electric bass. A vast selection of gear is available on the market in order to meet those requirements.


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Guitar Hacks For New Players


Like any beginning guitarist, you're likely seeking help in getting starting. You're hoping you will come across a magic guitar tip that will suddenly improve your playing. Unfortunately, no such guitar advice exists. The good news is, I've been there and done that. Here are some thoughts to keep in mind while starting your guitar career!


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Monday, August 28, 2017

Musician Tips: The Basics Of MIDI


MIDI is short for Musical Instrument Digital Interface and essentially, it is a uniform specification that lets digital instruments, computers and other related devices to communicate with each other. You can think of it as a music file type that has become the industry standard for digital instruments, much like Mp3 is for songs. Some might wonder why not just use Mp3 instead, but it’s a lot more complicated than that. Without getting into the fact that Mp3 is low quality by studio standards and a one trick pony in terms of what it can actually accomplish, the MIDI is able to understand much more than just sound. It can communicate messages about pretty much every aspect of music from notation, pitch, velocity, tempo, volume, vibrato, audio panning, cues, clock signals– see where I’m getting at?



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Tips For Singers: Hitting The High Notes


A lot of people really love to sing, and there are those who want to sing powerful high notes. The fact is most of us cannot hit high note reliably and with strength. You can learn how to sing high pitch notes like these but you have to take a lot of practice and take extra effort, and most probably a lot more knowledge than you already have. It is possible to train your voice to get better quality high notes that are clear, beautiful and strong. Your online resources can play a significant role in helping you learn how.


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Brand Spotlight: J Rockett Audio Design Effects Pedals


At ProAudioLand, we love guitar effects pedals. Whether it's from the big name brands like Boss and MXR or the lesser know boutique manufacturers like Analog Alien and Walrus Audio, we love sharing with our visitors all of the great pedals out there. With that in mind, we'd like to take the time to take a closer look at a brand of pedals that fall into the latter camp -- J Rockett Audio Designs. Formed in 2006 by long time musicians Chris Van Tassel and Jay Rockett, these pedals are built with one simple all encompassing mantra -- for players by players. Below, we take a look at a few of our favorite effects from the guys at J Rockett Audio Designs.



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Friday, August 25, 2017

Tips For Clear And Articulate Bass Tone


It can be quite a challenge to get the bass tone in your projects right. Sometimes the sound is just too loud or thin. In some of your projects, it may fall right into place while on others to go off. Albeit the judgment of bass being subjective, what sounds awesome to one person may be just noise to another. Unless you're trying to add some distortion to your low end, bass needs to sound clean and clear. The following are tips to attain absolute clarity in your bass:


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Infamous Music Feuds And Rivalries


With all the money, fame and ego that comes with being a successful artist in the music business, it's no surprise that its a breeding ground for feuds and rivalries. Whether it's normal inter-band squabbling taken a bit too far, public insults or simply the meeting of two bad tempers, the history of popular music is littered with hundreds of battles. While most are simply back and forth insults, the following are five infamous feuds that got a bit too personal.

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Friday, August 18, 2017

Use A Chorus Pedal To Fatten Your Bass Tone


Like any other form of art, music encourages experimentation. For example, feedback and distortion were originally seen as flaws due to the limitations of amp design. Today, it is as commonplace as it gets. Effects pedals are also handy tools begging to be put to new uses. With that said, we'd like to share with you a handy little tip regarding modulation effects such as chorus and octave pedals - they are the perfect tools to fatten up your bass tone.


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How To Quickly Get A Good Sound From Your Tube Amp


We all know that most tube amps have a certain sweet spot where you get great sustain, good dynamics, a rich tone, and a full sound. In addition, you do not have to press the guitar so hard to enjoy a good sound when playing it. Nevertheless, it is not the same for all amps; some amps are always meant to have all things dimmed and sound nice when pushed equally. Moreover, other amps may sound best up on a gain knob and maybe halfway to two-thirds up when the volume is adjusted well.


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Monday, August 14, 2017

Brand Spotlight: Boss Katana Guitar Amplifiers


As one of the early pioneers of digital effects, Boss is highly responsible for pushing the limits of what pedals could offer musicians outside of the studio. But as great as their pedals are, Boss is more than just an effects manufacturer -- they also make their own amplifiers. Based on the tech behind their popular Waza amplifier, the Katana line of amps embodies everything that Boss gear is known for -- powerful controls, versatile sounds, and very competitive prices. Today, we take a look at three different flavors of the Boss Katana guitar amp line up -- a 1x12 combo, a 2x12 combo, and a fully featured amp head.


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Brand Spotlight: Boss Katana Guitar Amplifiers

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Thursday, August 10, 2017

PAL team night out bowling and the biggest burger we have ever seen.

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Non-Club Gigs Bands Should Take Advantage Of


Good music has a soul of its own and to be honest it almost feels like a shame that there are too few events associated with tasteful and quality music all around the world. Some of the events have become cliché in terms of music band performances. For instance Clubs, Coffee shops and bars. Music is always a treat for the ears but it’s not fair that musical bands have too few options for gigs around them. Here are a few ideas about events and places where bands and musicians should be able to present their music to the crowd.


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Non-Club Gigs Bands Should Take Advantage Of

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Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Singing Exercises To Improve Your Pitch


Vocal exercises are very important to improve your singing and can really help with some of the areas that you may need to improve. So knowing how to do the vocal exercises correctly seems to be the problem that most beginners are having difficulty with. The rule of the thumb: Always begin with a warm up exercise before jumping to vocal exercises. So that way, you can stretch your voice in preparation for more rigid vocal training. To give you an idea, here are some of the most common warm-up exercises in singing.


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How To Counter Feedback On Stage


One of the most common problems musicians face on stage is that annoying, unwanted feedback. Yes, we all know that signature screech but how many of us know how to combat it, let alone how to avoid it? We take a look at common causes of feedback along with a few tips on how to deal with it on stage.


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Singing Exercises To Improve Your Pitch

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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

How To Counter Feedback On Stage

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4 Quotes from Non-Musicians That You Can Apply to Guitar Playing

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4 Quotes from Non-Musicians That You Can Apply to Guitar Playing

In one of PAL's blog entries this month, we shared ways on how you can motivate your bandmates. While it’s important to have the support of people around you, it’s equally vital to have your own source of inspiration, too.

If you’re a guitar player, you may consider some legendary guitarists like Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, and Chuck Berry as inspirations. But musicians aren’t the only people that can serve as role models. Even the insights of non-musicians may be used as powerful motivators in your pursuit of mastering the guitar.

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Wampler Ethereal Reverb Delay Guitar Effects Pedal Review


Aside from maybe distortion and overdrive, reverb and delay are easily two of the most often used and recognizable effects in rock. From the old school tape echo machines of yore or the modern digital delays and their countless voicings, there are a ton of flavors to choose from between the two. But pedalboard real estate is scarce so having more than one type of effect isn't something most us are comfortable with. Enter the Wampler Ethereal, a highly versatile pedal that not only combines reverb and delay into one box but does so with powerful settings that let you dial up a ton of highly useful sounds. From huge swaths of dreamy ambiance to no nonsense meat and potatoes reverb and delay, the Wampler Ethereal delivers.


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Monday, August 7, 2017

Wampler Ethereal Reverb Delay Guitar Effects Pedal Review

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Bass Amp Setup Tips For Beginners


Many beginner bass amp players find it difficult to craft a good tone on their amp. To get a good sound out of a bass amp, one must have a decent grasp on how the various elements of the instrument work.


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Tips For Singers: What Causes Voice Loss And How To Avoid It


Voice loss is one of those things all of us will undoubtedly face at one point or another. For non-singers, this may mean giving your voice a rest and taking it easy for the next few days. For singers, it means lost shows which can mean lost money. Below, we take a look at what exactly voice loss is, what it is caused by and how to avoid it.


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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

7 Simple And Effective Ways to Motivate Your Bandmates


Band members need to be supported in what they naturally love to do. Motivation will come to them by them being able to express themselves and working together towards the growth of the band.How can you, as a lead band member find ways to motivate your fellow band mates?


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Top Things Only Guitar Players Will Understand


Being a guitarist is awesome but like with anything, there are going to be some "issues" that only YOU will understand. These are only minor problems but when added together, can make you lose your mind! Let's take a deeper look at what these are, to both bond with (or share in the misery of) other musicians and entertain you.


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